Workshops on sound processing and editing

Basics of sound recording, editing and design with the program Audacity.

Night school of minority journalism

 We will discover all you wanted to know but never dared to ask about minorities and media in the workshops starting on 4 April and lasting up until 20 July.

Political cartoon and social changes: the case of Serbia



Round- table discussion: Media and minorities in Slovenia

 Examples of good practices - media, channels and programmes aimed at former Yugoslavia ethnic communities in Slovenia,

Strategy and mechanisms against multiple discrimination of women, immigrant women and migrant women in Slovenia, hosted by Prof Dr Svetlana Slapšak

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 11 December at 5 pm in the GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 16, Ljubljana.

Cultural production of the vulnerable groups

The 1st set - Introductory workshops

Workshops dealing with theory and practice

Starting 1.11.2018 - ending 31.12.2018.